

Dedicated to you. It was always you, darlings.

My attempt to be poetic
Involves being aesthetically
Magnetic, like kinetic energy.

Using metre to perfection
Involves inputting exceptional
Inflections into witty commentary

My attempt to impress you lot
Who all think that Harry Potter's
Got an awful lot ot offer more than me

Will at times fall into trouble
But my love for you is bubbling
To double what it was previously

As a poet - it's my duty
To deliver to you beautiful
And fruity words so listen carefully

These moments we are sharing now
Are timeless and will no doubt tower
Through thousands of now pointless memories

Well let's face it, I am flummoxed
And am having trouble stomaching
My dumb luck when you first looked up at me

In fact it's just implausible
That you exist or your applause is
Audible at all - extraordinary

You're brimming with intelligence
You're relevant and elegantly
Decadent - and well - that's nice for me

You - with your little funny heads
You - with oleaginous beauty spreading
Far ahead of my dishonesty

May I squeeze your collective cheek
And waggle lobes 'til my knees weaken
And I'm meek with inferiority

You with your sparkling wit
That dangles across your pretty
Mouths oft hits me with a harsh anxiety

You with your pert figures
That in turn make my giggles
Linger as you wiggle your posteriors at me

Some would say that's inappropriate
Behaviour for a poetry lot
But for me - it's so so necessary.

You - with your weird ears
That some would call endearing
But my dear - they just look a bit silly

You with your increasingly angry brow
That makes your eyes tower
Over countless levels of my dignity

You who haven't returned my calls
In 3 weeks - with galling
Excuses that cause such embarrassment with BT

You with - decrepit beauty
That you torture me with beautifully
Hot booty that exists to tempt me

But despite it all I love you
And I know you would be clueless
If you ever were without my poetry

So I'll stay up here forever
Reciting exciting and clever
Verse for you until the end of eternity

Because without you - I'm just a sad
Act, stood up here with scribble pad
So for that I'm glad that you are you

So I guess I'll just be me.

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